Wednesday, February 25, 2015

If you can find humor in anything . . . .

"If you can find humor in anything, even poverty, you can survive it." - Bill Cosby

In between your headline news and favorite sitcom or drama on television; you see the ads for a litany of medicines promising to spell relief from your illness de jour (e.g., depression, irritable bowel syndrome, erectile dysfunction, hair loss, and osteoporosis).  Although some people may experience short term relief from these conditions, these medications invariably come with a laundry list of unpleasant and often harmful side effects and usually do little to prevent chronic health problems in the future. So instead of buying into these ads and opting for synthetic medicines, why not turn a cheek and laugh a little or a lot?

Gelotology (from the Greek gelos, meaning laughter) is an emerging discipline in the health sciences that examines laughter and its effects on the body (psychological and physiological).1,2 In fact, several complementary and alternative medicine (CAMS) protocols prescribe laughter as an adjunct form of treatment for a variety of health conditions.3,4 The beneficial effects of mirthful laughter on your health go beyond the brief experience of joy and the social bonding that usually ensures between people.  The extensive list of physiological and psychological benefits includes:

  • It decreases your tendencies towards aggression thereby helping you to form and build your relationships skills with people.
  • It decreases your perceived level of physical pain by enhancing your production of endogenous endorphins.
  • It helps you to manage your psychological stress more effectively by allowing you to shift your perspective on often challenging situations.
  • It improves your blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels and decreases blood sugar levels after eating foods that convert into glucose in your body.
  • It enhances your immune system by boosting your production of natural killer cells thus helping you to ward off illness.5,6

Unlike, synthetic medicines, laughter is free and the only potential side effect is disturbing your neighbor or partner at a comedy club or movie.  If you find it difficult to laugh, there are several simple ways that you can work this muscle (i.e., it is a muscle isn’t it?).  You can watch or listen to a comedy film or play, go with a friend to a comedy club, join your nearest Laughter Yoga club, or read a magazine like MAD (i.e., you still read paper magazines don’t you?).  If you still have trouble laughing, remember that like any muscle you only have to start where at and can simply smile instead.

To your health,
Dr. Sandoval

  1. Bennett, M. P. and Cecile, A. L.  Humor and Laughter may Influence Health. Oxford Journals. 1/2006.
  2. Liebertz, C.  A Healthy Laugh.  Scientific American 9/2005.
  3. Hayashi, Keiko et al.   Laughter Lowered the Increase in Postprandial Blood Glucose. Diabetes Care. 5/2003.
  4. Laughter Yoga International.   Laughter Yoga Aids Digestion. 10/2010
  5. Bennett, M.P. et al. The effect of mirthful laughter on stress and natural killer cell activity Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 3/2003.
  6. Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology.   About Us. 8/2010.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How to tend to your mind's unsightly weeds . . .

If you experience painful and unpleasant emotions or thoughts like anxiety, depression, guilt or shame, there is a strong likelihood that you also engage in many unworkable behavior patterns like substance abuse, compulsive shopping, or binge eating.  You probably also are overwhelmed by your mind’s unending barrage of critical and punitive thoughts that you are “not good enough,” “inadequate” and “unlovable” as you are right now.  Like unsightly weeds that grow in your garden, you may want to eliminate these painful experiences.  

The reality, however;  is that more you engage in a battle with your mind’s nasty thoughts and struggle to undo your painful emotions, the more your life narrows and constricts as you focus on what is wrong with you instead of acting and doing what truly matters to you in life.  Research has demonstrated that experiential avoidance (i.e., engaging in any behavior designed to alter the form, frequency or duration of an unpleasant experience) frequently is at the root of most mental health disorders.1  

Rather than “pulling out” your mind’s weeds, you’ll free yourself from your mind’s “tight grip” that leads to your suffering by learning to love and radically accept all of who you are in this moment (e.g., your fear, sadness, shame, frustration).  When you experience emotions like fear, worry, sadness or guilt, be gentle and forgive yourself.   

Having self-compassion will ease your pain, allow you to notice the many opportunities around you to “wake up” and get “out of your mind” and allow you to experience pleasant states like contentment, mirth, achievement, connection, and gratitude.  Learning and practicing Loving Kindness Meditation (LKM) everyday is an effective tool to aid you experience this state of inner harmony.  

As you pay attention and connect with your surroundings and the people in your life, simply notice and be willing to experience your discomfort.  If your sole focus is on the “holes in your socks,” you’ll get “stuck” in wiggling your toes and adjusting your shoes all day instead of creating a life that is rich and meaningful to you by aligning what you can control (i.e., the actions of your hands and feet) with your life values.   

To your health,

Dr. Sandoval

To learn more about how working with a psychologist and holistic health coach can help you to enhance your health and well-being, call or email Dr. Sandoval to schedule a free consultation.

  1. Hayes, S.C., Wilson, K.G., Gifford, E.V., Follette, V., & Strosahl, K. (1996). Experiential avoidance and behavioral disorders: A functional dimensional approach to diagnosis and treatment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 64(6): 1152-1168.